Strategies for Mitigating Thai Students’ Learning Losses from Online Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Phumiphat Srivachiraphat


The objective of this article is to provide strategies for mitigating leaning losses in Thai elementary, middle, and high school students from online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author employed document and inductive content analysis approaches and found that online teaching and learning do not have a significant impact on short-term leaning outcomes (e.g., anxiety, stress, isolation, depression, suicide ideation and attempts, and academic performance), but have a significant effect on long-term learning outcomes. Moreover, online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic can deepen educational inequalities between high- and low-socioeconomic status students. The author offered four strategies to attenuate students’ learning losses including (a) relying on family socialization, (b) encouraging students to become active learners, (c) developing active citizenship for students and parents, and (d) inviting all stakeholders to get involved in the co-creation of teaching and learning.

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How to Cite
Srivachiraphat, P. (2022). Strategies for Mitigating Thai Students’ Learning Losses from Online Teaching and Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 9(1), 71–86. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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