Pathological Gambling: Current Situation and Preventive Measures

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Sanyapong Limprasert
Venunkarn Rujiprak
Sangtien Youthao
Prasert Limprasert
Anisa Manaton


The objectives of this qualitative research were fourfold: (a) to examine the current situation of pathological gambling in Thailand; (b) to explore the risk factors affecting pathological gambling among Thai people; (c) to investigate the impacts of pathological gambling on the Thai society; and (d) to provide recommendations for preventive and rehabilitative measures of gambling addiction among Thai people. The research methods used in this study involved interviews and focus groups with experts in the field of gambling. The findings of this research revealed that pathological gambling in Thailand has become more severe. It is an alarming risk for people in the society similar to other kinds of addiction. It is a mental disorder which involves repeated and uncontrollable problematic gambling behavior, while the risk groups include children and teenagers who socially learn the behavior from their families and peers. Curiosity also plays a huge role in exposure to gambling addiction. For adults, it was found out that this group of populations tend to gamble either as a source of incomes or for relaxation. The risk groups include career starters who have high economic demands. The major factors causing gambling addiction are individual factors such as risk-taking behavior and excitement from challenge, and social factors such as the environment. These factors encourage individuals to gamble and even become addicted to gambling. In terms of preventive measures, there should be cooperation between different public and private sectors legally and socially. Moreover, there should be public awareness raising towards the establishment of local gambling prevention centers and public lectures on gambling. Citizen participation should be involved to prevent gambling addiction in local communities as well.

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How to Cite
Limprasert, S., Rujiprak, V., Youthao, S., Limprasert, P., & Manaton, A. (2022). Pathological Gambling: Current Situation and Preventive Measures. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 9(1), 13–31. Retrieved from
Research Article


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