Information to Protect Tourists in Phuket Island

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Sangtien Youthao


This study explored for using information system in enhancing and establishing safety guidelines on domestic and international tourists in Phuket Island, Thailand. It employed a qualitative research method by field observations and site visitation records and analyzed by using the content analysis and typology and taxonomy technique to interpret the data. The results revealed that the establishment of “Phuket Tourist Hotline 1155” for reporting incidents and provide additional information to tourists, report on the work of the team staffs and integrating information, analysis and operational information to protect tourists, announce the news or provide information for tourist by the community relation team, and using information technologies to protect tourists. The guideline to create information system to Protect Tourists should have a plan for action in case of emergencies, follow a clear time frame, monitoring, evaluation, development as “Management information system to Protect Tourists in Phuket Island”. All stakeholders have a mutual understanding, a clear goal, definite indicators of system, creation of safety guidelines to support the new staffs at all levels and expansion applicable to other main attractions in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Youthao, S. (2019). Information to Protect Tourists in Phuket Island. วารสารสังคมศาสตร์บูรณาการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 6(2), 420–437. สืบค้น จาก


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