Decentralization and Innovation of Educational Management Relating to Thai Local Government

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Suparat Sukwisuth
Chakrit Noranitipadungkarn


In the 85 years since the revolution that transformed the country into a democracy, progress in educational ecentralization has been made but it has been rather slow due to the central authorities’ fear that local agencies do not have the capability to realize the changeover. This situation, however, is gradually changing. Some local authorities have lately shown their talents in strengthening their capacity to educate their people. The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the evolution of Thai decentralization in educational administration policy from the central government to local governments; (2) to study how the local government shows their capacity to manage the education as they are given the opportunity to do so, and, finally; (3) To identity innovation in education administration that local governments have shown so far. This can be considered proof that, if given the opportunity. Local governments can successfully implement central government-initiated educational decentralization policy. The research methodology includes document reviews, interviews with well-known scholars of government education, authorities and administrators. Lastly, it uses a questionnaire for local administrators and school headmasters throughout the country.




This study found that,

          First, the evolution of Thai educational decentralization. There are three different phrases in the decentralization of education from central government to local government. First, after the regime change to the Kingdom of Thailand from 1932 until 1997. This time was the beginnings of Thai democracy. It has been very slow because of problems with unity and national security. Second, during the constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand from 1997 to 2007. This second time saw the blooming of Thai democracy under pressure from the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. Third was under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand from 2007 - 2017.This period has seen the achievement of some real results, with development resulting from recognition of the importance of decentralization. Second, The readiness and capacity of Thai local government to respond to educational decentralization. the highest mean value of process management is for planning (4.31), followed by leading (4.29), organizing (4.23), evaluation (4.18), creativity (4.15), and educational management (3.98). All of them, however, are interpreted as being in the “Strongly Agree”. The current resource management opinions of Thai local government toward readiness and capacity to respond to educational decentralization the highest mean value for resource management is for materials (4.25), followed by human resources (4.20), information technology (4.01) and finance and budgeting (3.80) all are in the “Strongly Agree”. Finally, The innovations in educational decentralization by Thai local governments The results of this study show that educational innovation has happened in local government in two major ways. There is innovation in local management, including participation and progressive vision of local governors and local school administrators, and innovation in local education.

           In the fact, local governments have the potential for local educational innovation. They should be allowed the opportunity for a positive attitude in local educational management. Furthermore, educational decentralization has usefully developed not only local communities, but also has strengthened national development as well. This is because if people in local communities receive good educational opportunities and

a standard quality of education, equity in education services can increase human resources development, bringing more sustainable development

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How to Cite
Sukwisuth, S., & Noranitipadungkarn, C. (2019). Decentralization and Innovation of Educational Management Relating to Thai Local Government. วารสารสังคมศาสตร์บูรณาการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 6(1), 100–115. สืบค้น จาก


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