Learning Management Systems to Improve English Communication Skills in Private Primary Schools in Bangkok

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ศรีพิชา ชาตะศิริกุล
กล้า ทองขาว


The purpose of this study is to examine and compare learning management system in order to enhance English communication skills of students from private primary schools in Bangkok Metropolis include aims to study Study problems and development approaches of learning management systems to improve English communication skills in private primary schools in Bangkok. The samples were 189 private schools in Bangkok. Research instrument are questionnaire and interview. Analyze data by Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, paired samples t-test and content analysis.

This research results revealed that: 1) Schools have already greatly prepared and offered learning management system to enhance English communication skills. Considering each component to support student’s learning, the study found that the support from school administration and management contained highest meanseous, and the lowest mean is the community enhancement. 2) Comparison of results from learning management system to enhancing English communication skills for private primary school students in Bangkok Metropolis, using O-NET English test results, English academic awards from the past 3 years, and from English communication awards in class activities found that schools has the learning management system to enhancing English communication skills to be varied have the O-NET results and English academic awards and English communication awards have varied by level of significance which is .01.  3) Problem is that1) the administrators have not sent teachers to the training. Hiring foreign teachers is not enough. And the supply of media and technology is not enough. 2) Parents do not provide English language support to the school. 3) Communities do not participate in learning management. Developmental approach 1) Administrators allocate budget to teachers for training. Hire native teachers and provide sufficient technology media. 2) Parents are encouraged to speak English at home and have the opportunity to communicate in English on a daily basis. 3) The community is involved in organizing activities to improve the English communication skills. This will result in maximum benefit to students.

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How to Cite
ชาตะศิริกุล ศ., & ทองขาว ก. (2018). Learning Management Systems to Improve English Communication Skills in Private Primary Schools in Bangkok. Integrated Social Science Journal, Mahidol University, 5(1), 109–131. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/isshmu/article/view/153972
Research Article


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