The Model of Marketing Strategies for Building Brand Equity of Natural Cosmetic Products for the Elderly in Thailand

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Pariyada Visutthipat
Yaowapa Pathomsirikul


This research aims to find the model of marketing strategies for building brand equity of natural cosmetic products for the elderly in Thailand. This research quantitative, studying 600 elderly people aged 56-70 years who had purchased 3 Thai natural cosmetics brands was Oriental Princess, Abhaibhubejhr and Tropicana by using systematic random sampling Techniques. The data was collected by questionnaires. The statistics used in the research were descriptive statistics and the Structural Equation Model: SEM was used to test the marketing factors model. The research found that (1) there were 2 variable factors, the marketing mix factors and customer relationship management of influencing brand equity. The marketing mix factors had a direct effect on brand equity in terms of brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association. In addition, marketing mix factors indirectly effects brand loyalty through the mediating brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association.  Furthermore, customer relationship management had a direct effect on brand equity in terms of brand awareness, brand association and brand loyalty. In addition, customer relationship management indirectly effects brand loyalty through the mediating brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association. (2) The model of marketing strategies for building brand equity of natural cosmetics in Thailand found that the marketing mix factors of integrated marketing communications is the most important factor. The most important factors of customer relationship management is building relationships by providing specialized knowledge. In addition, the most important of brand awareness is brand recognition. The most important of perceived quality is property, and the most important of brand association is perceived value.

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How to Cite
Visutthipat, P., & Pathomsirikul, Y. . (2024). The Model of Marketing Strategies for Building Brand Equity of Natural Cosmetic Products for the Elderly in Thailand. Journal of KMITL Business School, 14(2), 84–109. Retrieved from
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