Using behavior of utensil sterilizers among users in Eastern Thailand's food courts

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Manthana Chamsri
Wornchanok Chaiyasoonthorn


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the users’ behaviors on the use of utensil sterilizers at food courts in the eastern part of Thailand, 2) to compare the users’ behavior on the use of utensil sterilizers at food courts in the eastern part of Thailand, categorized by demographic characteristics, and 3) to investigate the confidence factors that influence the users’ behaviors on the use of utensil sterilizers at food courts in the eastern part of Thailand. The research sample consisted of 400 users of utensil sterilizers at food courts in the eastern part of Thailand. All participants have used utensil sterilizers at least once in the past three months at a food court, where established in department stores, hospitals, universities, and factories. Descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were employed to analyze the data. In addition, inferential statistics, that include T-tests, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression analysis, were then applied. The results revealed that differences in age, educational level, occupation, and average monthly income associated with the frequency of the use of utensil sterilizer. Furthermore, confidence factors affecting the frequency of the usage were physical and usability aspects. In light of these findings, service providers seeking to increase the usage of utensil sterilizers should consider product development, that encompasses the aspects of usability, appearance, size, weight, and price. Additionally, strategic marketing initiatives should be designed to target different groups of users and promote the benefits of using these utensil sterilizers. This approach aims to raise awareness, understanding, and the significance of employing these devices.

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How to Cite
Chamsri, M., & Chaiyasoonthorn, W. . (2023). Using behavior of utensil sterilizers among users in Eastern Thailand’s food courts. Journal of KMITL Business School, 13(2), 87–101. Retrieved from
Research Article


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