Factors of marketing mix on affect to behavior's consumer decision for Construction Contractors in Nakhon Pathom municipality
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) the marketing mix factors for choosing behavior's consumer decision for Construction Contractors in Nakhon Pathom municipality, 2) he decision to choose the behavior's consumer decision for Construction Contractors, 3) he decision comparison on the the decision comparison on the behavior's consumer decision for Construction Contractors by the establishment, 4) the relationship between the marketing mix factors and the decision to choose the behavior's consumer decision for Construction Contractors. This research used a sample group, a population of 400 Gen Y adolescents in Nakhon Pathom Municipality. The questionnaire as a tool to collect data in research by used statistics of percentage, mean, standard deviation in analysis of data and were analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, inferential statistics of t-test and F-Test (One-way ANOVA), Pearson’s product-moment correlations, and multiple regression analysis. The results of research revealed that 1) Information of construction business establishments in the area of Nakhon Pathom municipality Nakhon Pathom Province, it was found that most of the respondents were limited companies. representing 74.30%, is a limited partnership, representing 25.70% and found that most of the respondents were limited companies with less than 15 years of establishment, representing 46.60%, the number of employments was less than 50 people, representing 34.40%, 5 to 10 million baht of the registered capital, 1 to 5 million baht of the value of the factory extension per year, representing 29.00% and the decision maker over the purchasing decision was the company owner. Overall, the average marketing mix factors for choosing the Construction Contractors and he decision to choose the factory extension contractor were at a high level and moderate level respectively.2) percent with the reason for the marketing mix on affect to behavior's consumer decision for Construction Contractors It was found that users made the decision to to choose the choosing behavior's consumer decision for The Service Product ( x̅ = 4.67) at 3) Marketing mix factors affecting the decision-making behavior of construction business operators is at the highest level ( x̅ = 4.75) and 4) the relationship between the marketing mix factors affecting the decision-making behavior of construction business operators was found that, in general, it was in the same direction at the high level (r = 0.700) with statistical significance at the level. 0.05
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