Marketing Mix Factors in Using Dental Clinic Services of Customers in Central Region

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Chanjaras Charoenwong


     This research aimed to study the marketing mix factors in using dental services of customers in the Central Region. In addition, the research also compared the opinions about the marketing mix factors according to customers in the aforementioned region, which was classified by the demographic factors and the behavior of choosing dental clinics. A questionnaire was used as the data collection. The sample group comprised 400  customers in the Central Region. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA and least significant difference.

     The research findings indicated that most of the customers were female, aged 25-40 years, bachelor’s degree graduate, company employee, and earned 10,001-20,000 Thai Baht per month. The latest dental services were dental and oral check up and basic dental treatment the frequency of treatment was once a year. The expense was 1,001-2000 Thai Baht per each visit. Customers preferred clinics which were located in their neighborhood areas. Expert dentists were preferred. Customers made their own decision in choosing clinics. The level of opinions about the marketing mix factors in using dental clinics of customers in the Central Region was the highest . The highest level was the personnel followed by services, procedures, clinics, contacts, price, and promotion, respectively.

     The hypothesis test results showed that customers in central region of different gender, age, level of education, income, expense per each visit and influencers had different levels of opinions about the marketing mix factors. Customers of different frequency had different levels of opinions about the marketing mix factors in terms of services, contacts, promotions, and different service procedures.

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How to Cite
Charoenwong, C. (2022). Marketing Mix Factors in Using Dental Clinic Services of Customers in Central Region. Journal of KMITL Business School, 12(1), 82–93. Retrieved from
Research Article


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