A study of the mix of service marketing and customer relationship management affecting the hotel accommodation decision of tourists in Chumphon province

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Supatra Inthasuwan


A study of the mix of service marketing and customer relationship management affecting the hotel accommodation decision of tourists in Chumphon province. Objectives 1) to study the demographic characteristics of tourists that affect their decision to stay in a hotel in Chumphon province 2) to study the level of marketing mix and service quality factors affecting the decision to stay in a hotel of tourists in Chumphon province 3) to study the factors of marketing mix that affect the decision to stay in a hotel of tourists in Chumphon 4) to study the quality of service that affects the decision to stay in a hotel of the tourists in Chumphon. The sample group was both Thai tourists traveling in Chumphon province. The questionnaires and interview questions were used as a tool, which the percentage, mean and standard deviation, tet test and ft test, and multiple regression were statistically used for data analysis.

          The result shows that the respondents were female whose age between 20-30 years old, marital status are single, education background are lower than bachelor’s degree, occupation are farmers and general labors, and the monthly incomes are less than 15,000 Baht. They travel to Chumphon province on a family trip. Also, the opinion level on the service marketing mix that affects the tourist’s decision to stay in a hotel in Chumphon province is generally at a high level, and the opinions on the quality-of-service factors were also at a high level. Lastly, the opinion level of tourists’ decision to use the hotel service in Chumphon province is at highest level. To conclude, this research will be further used for.    

Keywords: marketing mix, customer relationship management, decision making, tourists

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How to Cite
Inthasuwan, S. (2022). A study of the mix of service marketing and customer relationship management affecting the hotel accommodation decision of tourists in Chumphon province. Journal of KMITL Business School, 12(1), 57–69. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fam/article/view/253901
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