Management Model Affecting to Success Elderly Care Business in Thailand

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กาญจนา ทวินันท์


The purposes of this study were to 1) To develop the relationship structural equation modeling
of variables that affects the success elderly care business in Thailand. 2) To check the consistency
of the relationship structure, of the structural equation model of competence of variables that effect the success elderly care business in Thailand 3) To find the model of factors that affects the success elderly care business in Thailand. Questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument.  There were 440 participants of this study which included senior executives, supervisors, and employees of elderly businesses in Thailand.  Statistics used for the analyses were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the relationship analysis between the variations.  A model was analyzed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Path Analysis.

The results of the study found that marketing mix factors that the highest affects the success elderly care business in Thailand with the standardize regression coefficients of 0.576, followed by the management factors with the standardize regression coefficient of 0.287, and the service quality factors with the standardize regression coefficient of 0.109, respectively.  The results of analysis of the overall goodness of-fit indices of the CFA measurement model indicate a satisfactory fit of the measurement model with Chi-square (X2) = 174.466, df = 155, p = .136, CMIN/DF (X2/df ) =1.126, GFI=.974, CFI=.998, AGFI=.958, NFI=.980 and RMSEA= .014. Hence, the model was consistently significant at .05, which the variation of the success in elderly business management that can be explained with the percentage of 85.90 (R2 = 0.859).

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How to Cite
ทวินันท์ ก. (2020). Management Model Affecting to Success Elderly Care Business in Thailand . Journal of KMITL Business school, 10(2), 103–117. retrieved from
Research Article


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