Attitude towards ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 training of staff working in the calibration laboratory

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Sarunya Punkaew and Woranat Sangmanee


The purposes of this research were to study and to compare the levels of attitude of the staff in ISO/IEC 17205:2005 training, toward of staff working in the calibration laboratory received ISO/IEC 17025:2005 certification laboratory in Bangkok, the classified by personal factors. The samples were 248 people, selected by using the formula of Taro Yamane (Yamane, 1973), with the confidence at 95.5% and error at ±5%. The data were collected through the questionnaire. The data were analyzed by percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. Statistics used for hypothesis testing by t-test, One-way ANOVA and LSD.

            The results of this research showed that the level of the attitudes of staff, working in the calibration laboratory wear high. The hypothesis testing showed that staff were different in gender, age, marital status and work experience, had same attitudes in the in ISO/IEC 17205:2005 training, however the staff with different levels of education and joined in ISO/IEC 17025:2005 training, had different attitude towards ISO/IEC 17205:2005 training with significance at the statistical level 0.05.

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How to Cite
Sarunya Punkaew and Woranat Sangmanee. (2019). Attitude towards ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 training of staff working in the calibration laboratory. Journal of KMITL Business school, 9(2), 237–253. retrieved from


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