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Watcharaporn phinyo
Katanyu Hiransomboon


The objectives of this research were to study the relationship between marketing factors affecting mirrorless digital camera buying of customers in the central region and to compare the level of opinions towards marketing factors affecting mirrorless digital camera buying of customers in the central region which was divided by personal factors. The Sample group included consumers aged between 20-50 years old, 400 people using the purposive sampling method by selecting specific consumers who used to buy and use a mirrorless digital camera and living in the central region. The instrument for collecting data was questionnaires. The statistical data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, test and inferential statistics consisting, the hypothesis testing with statistics Independent samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA, LSD and Chi-Square. The hypothesis testing found that customers with different gender, marital status, and occupation had different opinions on products with statistical significance at 0.05. Customers with different gender and marital status had different opinions on the price with statistical significance at 0.05. Customers with different gender, marital status, and monthly income had different opinions on the distribution channel with statistical significance at 0.05 for customers with different ages, marital status and the monthly income that had different levels of opinions on marketing promotion with statistical significance at 0.05. The behavior of buying a mirrorless digital camera was found that the objective of buying a camera was related to gender, age, occupation and monthly income with statistical significance at 0.05. The budget for buying a camera was related to gender, age, education level and monthly income with statistical significance at 0.05. Source of camera purchase in the shopping mall was related to gender, age, marital status with statistical significance at 0.05. Source of camera purchase on the website was related to gender with statistical significance at 0.05 and digital camera store selling via group or page on Facebook was related to gender and age with statistical significance at 0.05. The previous buying a camera was related to gender, age, and marital status with statistical significance at 0.05. Influencers who had an influence on the buying decision of a camera were divided into self was related to gender and family/ relatives were related to the average monthly income and friends or acquaintances were related to gender, age and marital status with statistical significance at 0.05. The product presenter was related to the average monthly income with statistical significance at 0.05 and famous persons were related to marital status with statistical significance at 0.05

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How to Cite
phinyo, W., & Hiransomboon, K. (2019). MARKETING FACTORS AFFECTING MIRRORLESS DIGITAL CAMERA BUYING DECISIONS OF CUSTOMER IN THE CENTRAL REGION. Journal of KMITL Business School, 9(2), 101–118. Retrieved from


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