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Supawit Wongplob
Thanee Gesthong
Worrakrit Thuanchang


This research aims to 1) analyze the components of academic leadership in the digital age of educational administrators, 2) create a model of academic leadership in the digital age of educational administrators based on the Four Iddhip da (Bases of accomplishment), and 3) evaluate the model of academic leadership in the digital age of educational administrators based on the Four Iddhip da (Bases of accomplishment). This research is a mixed-method research, both qualitative and quantitative research, with 3 research steps: Step 1: Analyzing the components of academic leadership in the digital age of educational administrators by interviewing 18 key informants, using content analysis, using a questionnaire with a sample of 434 people based on Hair's concept, analyzing data from the questionnaires using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, to find the level of academic leadership in the digital age of educational administrators, and analyzing the components using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Step 2: Creating a model, an expert seminar with 9 qualified persons, analyzing data using content analysis, analyzing data on the appropriateness of the model guide using statistics, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation. Step 3: Evaluating the model, the evaluation form was applied to 30 administrators and academic teachers. Data were analyzed using statistics, including arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The research results found that 1) The components of academic leadership in the digital age of administrators were overall at a moderate level. It consisted of 5 components: Component 1: Vision and goals in the digital age, with 47 important variables; Component 2: Learning persons in the digital age, with 15 important variables; Component 3: Building academic collaboration networks in the digital age, with 5 important variables; Component 4: Creating technological innovation in the digital age, with 5 important variables; and Component 5: Academic friends in the digital age, with 5 important variables. 2) The model of academic leadership in the digital age of basic education administrators in Nakhon Sawan Province according to the principle of the Four Iddhip da consisting of 3 parts: Part 1: Introduction, concept and theory, objectives and formats; Part 2: Content and guidelines for implementation, with 5 components; Part 3: Conditions for success; and 3) The results of the evaluation of academic leadership models in the digital age of basic education administrators in Nakhon Sawan Province according to the principle of the Four Iddhip da, all four aspects were included at a high level: correctness, appropriateness, usefulness, and possibility.

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How to Cite
Wongplob, S. ., Gesthong, T. ., & Thuanchang, W. . (2024). MODEL OF ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP IN THE DIGITAL AGE OF BASIC SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN NAKHON SAWAN PROVINCE ACCORDING TO IDDHIPA ̅DA IV. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(3), 420–435. retrieved from
Research Article


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