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PhraDireksak Attatheepo (Phimpabud)
Kasem Saengnont
Booncherd Chumnisart


This research article aimed to 1) study the necessity of organizing activities to promote morality and ethics for monks who taught morality, 2) develop a model for organizing activities to promote morality and ethics for monks who taught morality, and 3) evaluate the model for organizing activities to promote morality and ethics for monks who taught morality. It was a mixed-method research. The quantitative research used a questionnaire with a sample group of 375 administrators and teachers of primary schools. The qualitative research interviewed the target group and organized focus groups. The research instruments were questionnaires, interview forms, and focus group manuals. The research data was analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results of the research found that 1) the necessity of organizing activities to promote morality and ethics for monks who taught morality in primary schools, when considering the overall PNImodified index, was 0.432. The first-ranked necessity was frugality, followed by being useful to the public, and finally honesty. 2) The model for organizing activities to promote morality and ethics for monks who taught morality in primary schools in Bangkok consisted of the name of the model, principles, objectives, content, learning activities aimed at cultivating morality and ethics, and 3) the results of the evaluation of the model for organizing activities to promote morality and ethics for monks who taught morality in primary schools were at a high level. Summary of research knowledge was “SA”

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How to Cite
Attatheepo (Phimpabud), P. ., Saengnont , K. ., & Chumnisart, B. . (2024). MODEL OF MORALITY AND ETHICS PROMOTING ACTIVITIES OF TEACHER-MONKS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS UNDER BANGKOK METROPOLITAN. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(2), 296–308. retrieved from
Research Article


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