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Studying teachers' happiness was an important part of advancing educational reform according to the specified goals. Teachers' happiness affected students' positive emotions and learning motivation. Happy teachers were therefore a predictor of students' happiness and learning performance. Happiness occurred when a person experiences positive emotions from a situation that the person interpreted as desirable. Factors related to teachers' happiness at work were classified as personal factors such as age, education, skills, and work experience, and environmental factors such as working atmosphere, colleagues, leaders, salary, students' responsibilities, and progress. These factors affected teachers' job satisfaction, creating happiness in teachers' work was therefore an effort to respond to teachers' physical and mental needs in a correct, appropriate, and balanced manner, understanding each teacher's nature, and thoroughly understanding teachers' work conditions to make teachers happy and be the driver of educational management toward the success of students and educational institutions which developed human resources for economic growth, peace, equality, and sustainability of the nation.
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