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Amnat Wattanakornsiri
Sowwanee Sikkhabandit
Nakamon Bunchakettikul


The objective of this research article was to study the management of new mathematics learning methods at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office. It was a combined research method between quantitative research and qualitative research. The research method consisted of 3 steps: Step 1: Study the conditions, problems, and management approaches for new mathematics learning at the primary level of private schools. Using questionnaires from a sample of 169 people and interviews with 6 key informants. Step 2: Develop a new mathematics learning management model at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office by interviewing with a semi-structured interview with 5 experts with a specific selection, and step 3, trial and evaluate the model with a sample group of 40 school directors, head teachers, and mathematics teachers. Quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics such as percentages, means, and standard deviations and qualitative data analysis using content analysis. The research results found that a new mathematics learning management model at the primary level of private schools under the Krabi Provincial Education Office, there were 3 components: Component 1: Organizing new mathematics learning methods at the primary level of private schools under the Office of Education Krabi Province, Component 2: POLC management process, Component 3: Factors promoting new mathematics learning management at the primary level of private schools. The results of evaluating the feasibility and usefulness of using the model in overall, it was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Wattanakornsiri , A. ., Sikkhabandit, S. ., & Bunchakettikul, N. . (2024). MATHEMATICS LEARNING MANAGEMENT FOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS UNDER KRABI PROVINCIAL EDUCATION OFFICE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(1), 356–369. Retrieved from
Research Article


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