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Suthasinee Kongthong
Sowwanee Sikkhabandit
Panya Theerawitthayalert


This research article aimed to study the management of vocational education in order to create a modern learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institute: region 1, with a research method of 3 steps: Step 1: Current conditions, necessary needs, and guidelines for the management of vocational education to create a modern learning society in Southern Vocational Education Institutions: region 1, using a questionnaire from a sample group of 223 college directors, college deputy director, head of department and head of division, Step 2: Create and check the form by in-depth interviews with 5 experts and step 3, trial and evaluation of the usefulness of the model with an evaluation form with a sample group of 30 college directors and deputy directors. Statistics used in data analysis were basic statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNI values. Moreover, qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The research results found that the vocational education management model to create a modern learning society in the Southern Vocational Education Institute: region 1, there were 2 components: 1) Vocational education management to create a modern learning society in southern vocational education institutions: region 1 had 5 aspects: systems thinking, learning dynamics, learning together as a team, knowledge management and transfer, use of technology and communication. 2) Management process in 4 aspects: planning, organization, implementation, and controlling. The result of evaluating the usefulness of implementing the model in overall was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Kongthong , S. ., Sikkhabandit, S. ., & Theerawitthayalert, P. . (2024). MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TO CREATE A MODERN LEARNING SOCITY IN SOUTHERN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTE: REGION 1. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(1), 490–502. Retrieved from
Research Article


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