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Management of high performance educational institutions to develop people in every dimension and all ages to be good, talented, and quality people because according to the 20-year national strategy (2018 - 2037) had set development goals in every dimension. and all ages to be good, talented, and quality people, creating opportunities and social equality by focusing on raising the quality of teachers and educational personnel, developing modern curriculum and teaching, promoting lifelong learning, creating growth based on quality of life at the master plan under the national strategy and national reform plan for education. There were guidelines for developing good competencies and characteristics which was suitable for all ages, there was a learning reform for the 21st century, adjusting the role of teachers to be modern teachers, increasing the efficiency of the education management system at all levels. The administration of the educational institution had clear goals and was committed to achieving those goals, working efficiently and effectively in managing educational institutions with high morality and ethics, having a clear vision and was committed to developing educational institutions to have quality, having comprehensive knowledge and understanding of educational institution management, providing quality teacher development courses, encouraging teachers to develop themselves continuously, and work processes were appropriate to the situation and needs of stakeholders. Therefore, high-performing personnel were knowledgeable, capable, and had the potential to perform their jobs resulting in being a quality and moral person. The principle of Buddhism that was integrated with the management of high-performance educational institutions was the Four Iddhipāda principles; meaning the base or path to success or the tools for success, tools to accomplish your goals, way to success. These four virtues that led to the achievement of the intended results, consisting of Chanda (contentment), Viriya (perseverance), Citta (attention) and Vima sā (use of intellectual consideration). These principles could be applied in management of educational institutions of administrators by following the four principles of Iddhipadā would be prepared in every aspect; mentally, thought, and action. This would result in the administration of the educational institution achieving its goals.
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