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The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the model for driving the Buddhist learning innovation areas, 2) develop the driving of Buddhist learning innovation areas, 3) promote the driving Buddhist learning innovation areas. Using qualitative research methods and action research as an important part of every step of the research process. Related concept and theoretical documents were studied. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Interviews with 120 key informants, including administrators, faculty, staff, and students of the Faculty of Education at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, by interview form. Data were analyzed by content analysis. A small group discussions with 13 key informants including administrators, faculty, staff, students in the Faculty of Education, and those involved in the development of innovative Buddhist learning area. The research tool was a set of activities to analyze data by content analysis. The research results found that: The model for driving the Buddhist learning innovation area had been developed and adjusted according to the current situation to be compatible with the effective learning process. This could be used to exchange knowledge with other educational institutions including an innovative area for learning the Buddhist way. There was a plan for organizing teaching and learning, implementing the plan and organizing the measurement and evaluation of learning management. It had a format that was easy for students to understand, focusing on activities to drive efficiency, teaching and learning should be made easily accessible, providing opportunities for all sectors to participate, consisting of 1) policy-driven, 2) spatial-driven, 3) activity-driven, 4) technology-driven. In developing and driving the model for driving the Buddhist learning innovation area in educational institutions, there was a clear model to drive the Buddhist school by using the same format to develop students' learning to learn Buddhism effectively, a Buddhist network should be created to coordinate and cooperate.
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