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Sokhoeum Chhoeung
Arunee Hongsiriwat


The purpose of this research is to desirable level of T-Shaped Professional components for enhancing Cambodian undergraduate students’ employability in the 21st century from employers’ perspectives. The samples of this research consist of selective 3 participants who are in the position of recruiting the fresh staff (Human Resource) from 3 different organizations which are (1) international business NGO, (1) from a local NGO and (1) local private firm with 2 experts (a Cambodian lecturer and an Educational Officer from the Department of Education in Australia). The purposive sampling technique is used. The research instruments were questionnaire and a set of question for focus group discussion. The questions were reviewed and checked by three experts and the methodology of valuation used was the IOC. The statistics used for analyzing data include frequencies, percentages, means. By examining employer expectations, the study identifies a set of 14 essential skills necessary for new graduates to thrive in the current job landscape such as. The methodology involved a descriptive research design, data synthesis from varied resources, and interviews with 5 selected stakeholders. The methodology involved a descriptive research design, data synthesis from varied resources, and interviews with 5 selected stakeholders. Findings underscore the need for education systems to incorporate both hard and soft skills into their curricula to bridge the employability gap, thereby better preparing graduates for the dynamic workforce of the 21st century.

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How to Cite
Chhoeung, S., & Hongsiriwat, A. . (2024). ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR FRESH UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT FOR EMPLOYABILITY IN 21ST CENTURY. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(2), 380–393. retrieved from
Research Article


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