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This research article aimed to propose an academic leadership model based on the 7 Sappurisadhamma principles for school administrators under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area. This was a mixed-method research with 3 research steps: Step 1: Studying the needs of academic leadership of school administrators; this was a quantitative research using a questionnaire with a sample of 289 teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using basic statistics: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and needs. Step 2: Developing a model; this was a qualitative research by interviewing 10 key informants and organizing a focus group discussion with 9 experts. The research instruments were an interview form and a focus group discussion guide. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Step 3: Evaluating the model; this was a quantitative research using an evaluation form with a sample of 73 school administrators. The research instrument was a model evaluation form. Data were analyzed using basic statistics: percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the research found that the academic leadership model based on the 7 Sappurisadhamma principles for school administrators under the Office of the Primary Education Area, it consisted of 5 components: Component 1: Principles; educational institutions developed the quality of educational administration effectively by integrating academic leadership principles with the 7 principles of Sappurisadhamma, Component 2: Objectives; to enable educational institution administrators to have academic leadership principles according to the 7 principles of Sappurisadhamma with the integrated Buddhist administration method, Component 3: Integration of academic leadership (curriculum management and learning management) according to the 7 principles of Sappurisadhamma, Component 4: Application in the administration of educational institutions in 4 areas; Academic Administration, Personnel Administration, Budget Management, General Administration, and Component 5: Evaluation. The overall evaluation results of the format were at the highest level. When considering each aspect, the evaluation results were at the highest level in all 4 aspects: Appropriateness, Correctness, Usefulness, Feasibility. The summary of research knowledge was CASAA, consisting of C (Curriculum and Learning Management), A (Academic Leadership), S (Sappurisadhamma), A (Administrator), and A (Apply).
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