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Somjintana Jirayukul
Pongpatcharin Putwattana
Wannapa Phopli
Samith Jueajinda
Narongpon Aulpaijidkul


This research article aims to study guidelines for inheritance Thai Cultural in Thonburi District, Bangkok. It was studied qualitatively, analyzed using SWOT manner. Studied data from documentary research. In-dept interview and the cultural activity observation of 3 case study: Thai craft, the Thai classical music and the cultural tourism in Thonburi district. The finding indicated that, a strength (S): Thonburi District is the area of cultural heritage, full of local wisdom and the best location for the cultural tourism. The strong communities’ network has many groups of people co-operation. A weakness (W): The new generation youth's lack of cultural knowledge and most of cultural tasks required artisans’ special skills but the wage income of art and cultural tasks less than the other jobs income. The most of local intellect experts were old people and the training cannot specific cultural knowledge. Opportunities (O), The state and private organization have supported the cultural activities. The Thai crafts and cultural products were display and exhibit in many trade shows. The researcher came to research and develop art and cultural in the area. Most of the foreigner like Thai art and Thai culture. Threats (T): the cultural development were not continuous and social changing at present were a limit of preserving the local culture. The guidelines preserving from studied. Aggressive growth guidelines, establish the art and cultural learning center in the area of Thonburi District. Defensive guidelines, created art and cultural courses for workshop training and activities. Furthermore, the institutional executives should have policies seriously promoting local curriculum. Reversal guidelines, used new technology for promoting art and cultural community products. And diversification guidelines: Supporting and promoting local wisdom with rewards and high money return.

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How to Cite
Jirayukul, . S., Putwattana, P., Phopli, W. ., Jueajinda, S., & Aulpaijidkul, N. (2023). GUIDELINES FOR INHERITANCE THAI CULTURAL INTHONBURI DISTRICT, BANGKOK: SWOT ANALYSIS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 10(3), 13–24. Retrieved from
Research Article


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