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Athiwat Simboot
Pornthep Chantraukrit


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of organizing learning using a 5-step collaborative learning process on plants and plant life on analytical thinking ability and teamwork and collaboration of Mathayom 1 students. It is also to study practices in learning management using the 5-step collaborative learning process by collecting data from the analytical thinking ability test, teamwork and collaboration assessment, post-teaching recording form of teacher and student diary forms.The target group is 39 Mathayom 1 students. The research found that students had higher analytical thinking ability after studying, with a statistical significance of .05. The results of the assessment of teamwork and collaboration increased. At the end of the operating cycle, it was found that the evaluation results were at a very good level, accounting for 94.87 percent, and a good level, accounting for 5.13 percent.  To practices in learning management, teachers should present stimulants or situations to stimulate interest that are consistent with students' daily lives or previous experiences. Teachers should also design activities that encourage students to brainstorm and exchange opinions through activities such as using sticky notes to write brainstorming ideas. Furthermore, there should be competitive activities with positive reinforcement including team testing at the end of the lesson. Students should be able to practice and express their opinions as well as summarize their knowledge and present it in an exhibition in front of the class and/ or present work in front of the class. Students should also participate in selecting group members.

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How to Cite
Simboot , A. . ., & Chantraukrit, P. . (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTICAL THINKING ABILITY AND TEAMWORK AND COLLABORATION OF LOWER SECONDARY STUDENTS USING 5 STEPS COLLABORATIVE LEARNING PROCESS . Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(1), 465–477. Retrieved from
Research Article


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