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This research aimed 1) to study the current state, desired state, and needs for academic administration to develop self-directed learning skills of students in Nonthaburi Area 3 and 2) to propose guidelines to develop academic administration for improving self-directed learning skills of students in Nonthaburi Area 3. This descriptive research followed these steps: 1) Study the current and desired state of academic administration for developing students' self-learning skills, 2) Propose guidelines to improve academic administration to develop self-directed learning skills of students in Nonthaburi School Area 3. Tools included questionnaires and data evaluation. Questionnaire was divided into two parts: the current and desired state of academic administration for developing self-learning skills and guidelines to improve academic administration to develop learners’ self-directed learning skills. Data from questionnaire was analyzed using statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, PNIModified, mode, and content analysis. The results revealed that; 1) The overall current state of academic management to develop self-directed learning skills of students was at a high level. Academic administration aspect with the highest mean was assessment and evaluation at a high level. The overall desired state of academic management to develop self-directed learning skills of students was at a high level. Aspect with the highest mean was development and promotion of learning resources at a high level. The overall need for academic management to develop self-directed learning skills of students was 0.218.
The area of academic management with the highest necessity was teaching management (PNIModified = 0.294). 2) The development guidelines for academic management to enhance self-directed learning skills of students can be divided into 4 ways: (1) Improve the teaching management in schools by maximizing learners’ benefits to stimulate self-directed learning skills; (2) Promote the availability of learning resources that contribute to supportive aid and bring leaners’ valuable benefits emphasizing on self-directed learning skills; (3) Revise and develop school curriculum by cultivating learners’ self-directed learning skills; (4) Develop an assessment and evaluation system that covers all aspects of indicators, reflecting true learning conditions for maximum benefits for teaching development by cultivating learners’ self-directed learning skills.
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