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Nipaporn Wongsiri
Dhirapat Kulophas


This research aimed to investigate the requirements for the development of teachers at Horwang School, based on the concept of teacher leadership. The research methodology used in this study was descriptive research. The population for the study consisted of Horwang School, with 1 school director and 4 deputy school directors providing the data, totaling 5 individuals. Additionally, 216 teachers from Horwang School were included in the research, selected using simple random sampling, resulting in a sample size of 134 teachers, making a total of 139 participants. The research instrument used was a questionnaire on the current state and desired state of teacher development at Horwang School, based on the concept of teacher leadership. The statistical analysis included frequency distribution, percentages, mean, standard deviation, necessity index analysis, preferences, and content analysis. The research findings indicate the following requirements for the development of teachers at Horwang School, based on the concept of teacher leadership: The highest level of necessity is related to leaders of change (PNImodified = 0.19), followed by leaders in professional development and collaboration (PNImodified = 0.14). Additionally, leaders in student development and effective teaching (PNImodified = 0.12) and leaders in self-development (PNImodified = 0.11) are also considered necessary.

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How to Cite
Wongsiri, N., & Kulophas, D. . (2023). THE NEEDS FOR DEVELOPING HORWANG SCHOOL TEACHERS BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF TEACHER LEADERSHIP. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 10(3), 115–127. Retrieved from
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