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Kansinee Sanjaingamworapat
Nantarat Charoenkul


The objectives of this research were: 1) study the current and the desirable states of academic management of vocational colleges in Suphanburi province based on the concept of work skills; 2) study the Modified Priority Need Assessment academic management of Vocational Colleges in Suphanburi province based on the concept of work skills. This study was conducted with descriptive methods. The population were 6 vocational colleges in Suphanburi province. There were 205 informants, including school directors, academic deputy directors, and teachers. The research instruments were the needs assessment questionnaires of academic management of the vocational colleges in Suphanburi province based on the concept of work skills. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNImodified.. The results showed that the priority need index overall was 0.398 (PNIModified = 0.398). When analyzed each academic management aspect, curriculum development was the highest priority need index (PNIModified = 0.412) and assessment was the second priority need index (PNIModified = 0.394). The lowest priority need was instruction (PNIModified = 0.389). When considering in terms of work skills, overall, which has the highest priority needs index in three aspects of academic management was workplace skill.

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How to Cite
Sanjaingamworapat, K. ., & Charoenkul, N. (2024). APPROACHES FOR DEVELOPING ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT OF VOCATIONAL COLLEGES IN SUPHANBURI PROVINCE BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF WORK SKILLS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(1), 574–584. retrieved from
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