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Saranya Yingyoud
Apiradee Jariyarangsiroge


This research article’s objectives were 1) to study the necessary needs in teacher development of social entrepreneur at Ekachai School. 2) To present the guidelines for teacher development at Ekachai School based on the concept of social entrepreneur. This research used a descriptive research method. The population used in this research was Ekachai School. The informant were school’s director, deputy director and teachers. The research tool was the need questionnaire for teacher development at Ekachai School. based on the concept of social entrepreneur with a confidence value of 0.926. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and needs analysis (PNImodified). The results showed that Necessary needs for teacher development at Ekachai School based on the concept of social entrepreneur concept is at a high level (PNImodified=0.376). When analyzing individual needs, it was found that creativity and innovation ability to solve social problems were ranked the highest (PNImodified=0.414), followed by goals and determination to solve social problems (PNImodified=0.400), expertise and understanding of social affairs (PNImodified=0.396), risk-taking (PNImodified=0.376), and the aspect of creating value and being able to create social networks (PNImodified = 0.374). Meanwhile, the aspect of good governance in social affairs had the least necessary needs index (PNImodified=0.305). In terms of models and methods for developing social entrepreneurship characteristics of teachers, the highest frequency is work-based learning, followed by self-learning.

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How to Cite
Yingyoud , S., & Jariyarangsiroge, A. (2023). PRIORITY NEEDS FOR TEACHER DEVELOPMENT OF EAKACHAI SCHOOL BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 10(3), 37–49. Retrieved from
Research Article


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