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The objectives of this research article were 1) to create a model of school participative administration, 2) to try the model of school participative administration, and 3) to evaluate the trial of school participative administration model of Rat Song Khroh Witthaya School under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area 2. The mixed research methods were used in the study. The quantitative data were 1) 54 school administrators, 2) 163 related persons 3) 16 teachers and educational personnel. Data were analyzed by statistics, including frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. The qualitative research was conducted by interviewing 13 experts and focus group discussion with 8 experts. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1) there are 2 parts: Part 1 Participatory management model consisting of Ability to produce students with higher learning quality, Ability to develop students with positive thinking, Ability to solve problems in school, and Ability to adjust and develop school suitable to the school environments, Part 2 Educational achievement consisted of the Ability to produce students with high academic achievement, Ability to develop students to have positive attitudes, Ability to solve problems within the school, Ability to adapt and develop the school to suit the environment. 2) The experimental model of school participative administration found that Results of self-assessment according to participatory management components overall, it is at a good level, Academic results of 8 groups of learning subjects of Rat Songkro Wittaya School students in the academic year 2020 have an increasing average, Teachers, administrators, educational personnel, basic education and community committees, parents, students, and students were satisfied with the participatory school administration model. at a high level. 3) Evaluation of the experimental results of participative administration model of Rat Song Khroh Witthaya School under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area 2, appropriateness, utility, possibility, at a high level in every aspect.
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