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Jiraporn Assavasena
Ruj Luecha
Wanphen Pratoomtong


This research article describes a pre-experimental study with two objectives. Firstly, to develop a learning management activity that enhances historical thinking skills through the use of historical inquiry and online museum learning. Secondly, to investigate the effectiveness of this activity in enhancing historical thinking skills among lower secondary students. The research sample comprised 35 third-year students from Taweethapisek School. The research instruments used in the study were a historical inquiry and online museum learning management activity, a historical thinking skills assessment with both multiple-choice and open-ended questions, and data analysis methods including mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, and repeated measures analysis of variance. The research findings revealed that 1) the developed historical learning activity followed the process of historical learning methods, including (1) the problem determination stage, (2) the evidence gathering stage, (3) the evidence evaluation stage, (4) the interpretation stage, and (5) the presentation stage. The focus of all stages was the students’ analysis of the primary evidence. The activities used had been evaluated by experts as very good. 2) The developed activity effectively developed history thinking skills for lower secondary school students, as evidenced by statistically significant improvements at 0.5 in the students’ scores on the history thinking skills measurement instrument. After using multivariate analysis of variance, was found that the students’ scores were significantly higher at 0.5 in all six times of measurement.

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How to Cite
Assavasena, J., Luecha, R., & Pratoomtong, W. (2023). THE LEARNING MANAGEMENT USING HISTORICAL METHOD WITH ONLINE MUSEUM-BASED LEARNING TO DEVELOP LOWER SECONDARY STUDENTS’ HISTORICAL THINKING SKILLS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 10(3), 285–297. retrieved from
Research Article


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