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Phramaha Pornprasong Pariññãvaramedhĩ
Sin Ngamprakhon
PhramahaSombat Dhanapañño


The purposes of this research article was to present the digital leadership development according to Buddhist principles of school administrators. Using mixed method research, including qualitative research by in-depth interviews with 14 key informants and quantitative research from 2 groups of samples, the first sample group was 326 school administrators and teachers under the Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office. The second sample group was 149 school administrators under the Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office. Statistics used to analyze the data, mean, percentage and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: The digital leadership development according to Buddhist principles of school administrators consists of 1) Digital Leadership Development Principles 2) Digital Leadership Development Objectives 3) Components of Digital Leadership 4) Digital Leadership Development Methodology 5) Digital Leadership Development Stages 6) Dhamma principles to develop the digital leadership: four foundations for accomplishment and 7) Success Factors in Digital Leadership Development according to Buddhist principles of school administrators. The overall of the digital leadership development according to Buddhist Principles of School Administrators is in the high level with the aspect arranged from the most to the least: utility, accuracy, propriety and feasibility at the high level respectively.

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How to Cite
Pariññãvaramedhĩ, P. P., Ngamprakhon, S., & Dhanapañño, P. (2023). THE DIGITAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ACCORDING TO BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 10(2), 29–39. retrieved from
Research Article


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