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Somsak Donprasit


Autonomous school is part of the decentralization of administration and education management comes from the concept of school-based administration that emphasizes on direct to educational institutions in order to make educational institutions responsible and make decisions independently and proficiently. Responsible for results arising from management under the principle of decentralization, principle of participation, self-management principles, and the principle of checks and balances were set. It aims for collective decision-making at the school level between education providers and education service recipients by giving freedom to make decisions both academically personnel management finance and supplies and general administration. Principles of autonomous school must be flexible according to the readiness and context of each educational institution which is different and must have a support mechanism that meets the needs of educational institutions. Factors contributing to success is to be managed by personnel committee to develop and create an understanding of the roles, duties and responsibilities of those involved participation in management and aiming to create a shared vision and values.

Operational guidelines and practices policy Level, the Ministry of Education must announce a policy to develop the efficiency of education administration and management by promoting and supporting educational institutions to be independent and flexible. Decentralization of administration and educational management was used the province as a base at the area level emphasizing the provincial level according to the concept of spatial administration to strengthen and unity in administration and education at the provincial level. It is consistent with the administration of the state affairs which emphasizes on management at the level of management, defining guidelines for joint operations of provincial departments to develop, promote and support educational institutions to be independent according to school level. Educational institution administrators was developed to have knowledge and understanding of autonomous school administration, participate in the operation of educational institutions by participating in the preparation of action plans and organizing training or development of teachers to have the competencies and skills that necessary to organize the learning process.

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How to Cite
Donprasit , S. (2022). GUIDELINES FOR PROMOTING THE AUTONOMOUS SCHOOL. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(2), 407–420. Retrieved from
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