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Supanee Sinchai


The Process of developing a teacher coach is important to the development of education in the 21st century, which aims to develop learners to have knowledge, skills and desirable characteristics that can be used in a quality life by teachers of the new era who assume the role of teachers. A coach is a teacher who inspires through the use of powerful questions and reflections during coaching to enable learners to learn to their full potential. Therefore, the usefulness of this study is to bring the three wisdom principle which is Dharma in the development of wisdom so that human beings can gain real knowledge and understanding with cause and effect if teachers can apply the process of developing a coach with the three wisdom principle to integrate with the learning and practice of the coaching process of “The GROW Model”. The GROW Model consisting of 1) G-Goal, 2) R-Reality, 3) O-Options, and 4) W-Way Forward. This is an open are for the coach to take lessons from the process of developing their coaches. They reflected their thinking by using the three wisdom principle to development process, which are: Base 1: Suttamayapanya, listens to create wisdom; Base 2: Jintamayapanya, think analytically to create wisdom, and Base 3: Pawanamayapanya, to practice until wisdom arises. If the teacher have learned and applied the concept of the teacher-coach development process with the three bases of wisdom as a basis for self-development. Continuing until becoming a way of life of coaching both in one’s professional and life subjects.

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How to Cite
Sinchai, S. (2022). PROCESS OF COACH DEVELOPMENT TOWARDS WAY OF LIFE FOLLOWING THE THREE WISDOM PRINCIPLE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(2), 431–440. Retrieved from
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