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Panyakorn Wetchasart
Paradee Anannawee
Monasit Sittisomboon


The purpose of this research was to develop and assess the effectiveness of a strategic management model to develop educational institutions towards excellence. Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization. The research consists of 3 steps: 1) to study the conditions and strategic management guidelines for the development of educational institutions towards excellence; Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative organization 2) To create and examine a strategic management model to develop educational institutions towards excellence. Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization 3) Experiment and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic management model for developing educational institutions to be excellence. Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization The sample group used in the quantitative determination was the administrators of the educational institutes and teachers in schools under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization A sample of 159 people using the Craig C. and Morgan table of Krejcie & Morgan and informants in qualitative research were experts, including executives who received outstanding awards, Study supervisor who acts as the head of student affairs and university professors. The research tools were a questionnaire, an interview form and a satisfaction assessment form. Analyze the data using basic statistics. and content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Strategic management conditions to develop educational institutions towards excellence. Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization Overall, the practice was at the highest level. 2) The results of developing a strategic management model to develop educational institutions towards excellence. Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization consists of 2 components: Component 1 Strategic management to develop educational institutions towards excellence. Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization, there are 6 aspects: 1) Leadership of Executives 2) Teacher Quality 3) Cooperation Network 4) Student Quality 5) Management and 6) Personnel Development. Each aspect is driven by a four-step strategic management process. Component 2 Factors that promote strategic management in order to develop educational institutions towards excellence. Under Pathum Thani Provincial Administrative Organization, it consists of 5 aspects: 1) organizational policy 2) executive competency 3) ethical practice 4) organizational resources 5) satisfaction of stakeholders and users are satisfied with the format Overall, it's at a high level. And the format offers possibilities and usefulness. at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Wetchasart, P., Anannawee , P., & Sittisomboon, M. (2022). STRATEGIC PLANNING IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR EXCELLENT SCHOOLS UNDER THE PATHUMTHANI PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 231–248. Retrieved from
Research Article


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