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Sasinipa Chaisuk
PhrakhruOpatnontakitti (Sakda Obhaso)
Phramaha Yannawat Thitavaddhano


The purposes of this thesis were 1) to study knowledge management according to Buddhadhamma; 2) to propose a guideline for knowledge management according to the Buddhadhamma in secondary school, Mueang District, Pathum Thani Province. Mixed methods research was used combines the methods of quantitative and qualitative research. The questionnaire was used as a quantitative data collection tool from a sample of 217 teachers and an interview questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data from five experts. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics consisted of mean and standard deviation whereas qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. Results found that 1) Knowledge management according to Buddhadhamma of Secondary School, Muang District, Pathumthani Province, found that the overall level of knowledge management in all 5 areas at a high level consisted of knowledge storage, knowledge sharing, learning, knowledge inquiry, and the knowledge setting, respectively. 2) Guidelines for knowledge management according to Buddhadhamma of Secondary School, Muang District, Pathumthani Province, it was found that the knowledge of Kalyanamit was regularly heard pondering the knowledge received with thoughtfulness. There is a proper culture to promote and extend knowledge for personnel to develop new knowledge, put the knowledge gained from the exchange into practice in the work, fellowship with the knowledgeable, to share and learn together, build a network for collecting knowledge in electronic systems, apply the knowledge that has been considered and adapted to suit them, collecting knowledge for solving operational problems, and follow learning tools for effective knowledge management in schools.

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How to Cite
Chaisuk, S., (Sakda Obhaso), P., & Thitavaddhano, P. Y. (2022). GUIDELINES FOR KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, ACCORDING TO BUDDHADHAMMA, SECONDARY SCHOOL, MUEANG DISTRICT, PATHUM THANI PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 276–286. Retrieved from
Research Article


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