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Boonrudee Udomphol
Sommai Pavaboot
Malai Pradupsri


The purposes of this study were: 1) to develop a proactive competency-based learning management model based on STEM education to enhance learning management skills for pre-service teachers.2) to propose a model of proactive competency-based learning management based on STEM education to enhance learning management skills for pre-service teachers. This study employed mixed methods of research based on the qualitative research by studying documents, in-depth interview with 5 supervisor and mentor in school. Focus group discussion of 12 experts. The instruments used in this research were documentary study form, in-depth interview. The quantitative research. A group of sample group was selected from supervisor in the faculty of education, Rajabhat University, and mentor in school, 350 persons. by using the multistage random sampling method. The research instruments were questionnaires, evaluation of learning management skills. The data were analyzed by content analysis, percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and an t-test for hypothesis testing. The findings are as follows: 1) the results of the development of a proactive competency-based learning management model based on the STEM study to enhance the learning management skills of pre-service teacher by experimenting with students found that after the experiment, the students had learning management skills. know higher than before the experiment statistically significant at the .05 level and the students' overall satisfaction with the proactive competency-based learning management model according to STEM Education was at a high level in all items. 2) The model of proactive competency-based learning management according to STEM to enhance learning management skills of pre-service teachers consisted of 5 components: principles, objectives, and processes of proactive competency-based learning management according to the STEM Education. Applying the pattern and the success conditions of the model There are 4 aspects of learning management skills that students should be strengthened as follows: in the design of learning management. Writing a lesson plan in terms of learning management suitable for learners in the 21 st century and the application of digital media technology for learning management which the results of checking the suitability of the model by an expert before using it in practice every element of the model is appropriate and consistent with enhancing students' learning management skills.

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How to Cite
Udomphol, B., Pavaboot, S., & Pradupsri, M. (2022). THE MODEL OF PROACTIVE COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING MANAGEMENT MODEL ALONG STEM EDUCATION TO ENHANCE THE LEARNING MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 375–388. Retrieved from
Research Article


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