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Phra Chananphiphat Ariyameti (Thanaphatphakdekul)
Phrakhrusophonpariyatsuti (Sribandon Thiradhammo)
Somyod Panyamak


The purposes of this thesis were 1)study of democratic political culture of community leaders in Phayao Municipality, Phayao Province 2) Comparison of democratic political culture of community leaders in Phayao Municipality, Phayao Province 3) Propose guidelines for the development of democratic political culture of community leaders in Phayao Municipality, Phayao Province. The study was mixed methods research between quantitative research and qualitative research. The quantitative data were collected from 391 population eligible to vote at both national and local levels by questionnaires, and data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including percentage, mean and standard deviation. Qualitatve data were collected using a schedule interview from 25 key informants as the local leaders and local community leaders, and content analysis was used for analyzing qualitative data. Results of the study were as follows: 1) The democratic political culture of community leaders in Phayao Municipality was at the highest level in all aspects, namely narrow political culture. civilian political culture and participatory political culture. 2) The comparison of democratic political culture of community leaders in Phayao Municipality, Phayao Province, found that the size of the community was different. Community leaders have a democratic political culture. There was a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level. 3) Guidelines for the development of democratic political culture of community leaders in Phayao Municipality, Phayao Province, namely leaders, politicians, officials and relevant agencies must jointly provide knowledge and advice. Understanding the people's importance to local politics, as well as providing knowledge about democratic governance in order to raise people's awareness and understanding about the various systems and their rights and duties until This leads to systematic development and further changes in local political patterns or characteristics for effective and effective coexistence in society. as well as to promote additional knowledge in other areas related to lead the transformation and further development in full.

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How to Cite
Ariyameti (Thanaphatphakdekul), P. C. ., (Sribandon Thiradhammo), P. ., & Panyamak, S. (2022). THE DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL CULTURE OF COMMUNITY LEADER IN PHAYAO MUNICIPALITY, PHAYAO PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(3), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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