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Pakjira Prarom
Chade Sirisawat
Maytee Thamwattana


The purpose of this research is 1) to study the problems and needs of science and technology teachers for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies, 2) to develop a training course for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies of science and technology teachers, and 3) to evaluate the training course for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies of science and technology teachers. The sample of this study consisted of 53 teachers in science and technology learning area of Matthayom Taksin Rayong School under the Rayong Provincial Administrative Organization. The research instruments were 1) a questionnaire on problems and needs of science and technology teachers for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies, 2) a cognitive test on 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies, and 3) satisfaction questionnaire on training course for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies. According to the results of the study of problems and needs of science and technology teachers for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies, the application of technology and educational innovation that are consistent and appropriate to the subject content and learners was at a highest level with an average score of 4.75. The results showed that the training course for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies of science and technology teachers consisted of the following elements: (1) course title, (2) background, (3) course principles, (4) objectives, (5) content and duration, (6) guidelines for organizing activities, (7) media for curricular activities and (8) course evaluation. In this study, the objectives and content of the course were evaluated by the experts and found to have an IOC of 0.94. 3) After using the training course for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies of science and technology teachers, the teachers had higher comprehension and the satisfaction survey on the training course for the development of 21st century educational technology and innovation competencies of science and technology teachers revealed a high level.

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How to Cite
Prarom, P., Sirisawat, C., & Thamwattana, M. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF TRAINING CURRICULUM TO USING TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION COMPETENCIES IN 21 ST CENTURY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TEACHERS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(2), 301–313. Retrieved from
Research Article


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