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Vorapon Kongsivaphisit
Kamolporn Kalyanamitra
Satit Niyomyaht
Tassanee Lakkanapichonchat


The purpose of this research was to 1) to study the quality and way of life of the elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima Province 2) to study the problems and obstacles in the quality and way of life of the elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima. This research was a qualitative research. This research was studied by key informants selected from purposive random sampling from 19 key informants involved with the elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima province, consisted of the management of health promoting hospital, the executive of the division of public health and environment community, the professional nurses, a social developer bureau of promotion and protection of the Elderly, the community developer in public health office, the public health administrators of  local administrative organization, and the elderly in Nakhon Ratchasima province.  Data collection was collected by in-depth interview. The results found that: 1) The physical aspects of the elderly exercised on a daily basis while some exercise intermittently due to unhealthy physical health. Otherwise, the place of exercise was not conducive and no suitable equipment. The disease of the elderly were diabetes, high blood pressure, and disease caused by deterioration of the body. 2) Psychological aspect : the elderly who did not have children take care of having more psychological problems that come from the deterioration of the body, unable to work for a living, poverty, debt,  neglected children disrespect, feeling of anxiety, feelings of loneliness, feelings of worthlessness, feeling of lowliness until some cause subsequent depression. 3) Social aspect: the elderly did not realize the importance of doing social activities because they did not joining. The grandchildren was not easy to bring to join because they had to work, had to raise the grandchildren, to live alone, and poor physical health. 4) Spiritual and human values with religion as an anchor as for the value of being that person helping out with housework, working for the family respect from the children, visiting of relatives made the elderly happy and felt their appreciation. 5) Safety in life and property : There was a promotion of life and property safety for the elderly in the community, such as providing the health staff of the district health promotion hospital to visit and the elderly at home organizing cleaning activities in the community area. 6) Environment by relevant departments : There was a project to adjust the living environment for the elderly, organizing a project to adjust the living environment for the elderly subacute patients and those with dependence. 7) Problems and obstacles : (1) Most of the elderly did not study, causing lack of knowledge and understanding of health care (2) Budget problems for promoting health of the elderly were limited (3) Problems Communication and networking in the area were still inefficient (4) Problems when sick, did not go to see a doctor, but buy medicine for themselves (5) The number of staff involved in caring for the elderly was limited, so services could not be made in all areas. (6) Some of the elderly did not have children to take care of, thus they had to live alone.

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How to Cite
Kongsivaphisit, V., Kalyanamitra, K., Niyomyaht, S., & Lakkanapichonchat, T. (2021). QUALITY AND WAY OF LIFE OF THE ELDERLY IN NAKHON RATCHASIMA PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 301–316. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/249409
Research Article


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