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Wirat Padungchep
Sin Ngamprakhon
PhramahaYannawat Thitavaddhano


The purpose of this research was to propose Buddhist leadership characteristics of the Buddhist based school administrator in Thailand. Mixed methods research was designed and there were 3 steps. Step 1: Study the state of Buddhist leadership characteristics of the Buddhist based school administrator in Thailand by using questionnaires to collect from 379 administrators and teachers. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Step 2:  develop Buddhist leadership characteristics of the Buddhist based school administrator in Thailand by interviewing 10 key informants, and Step 3: propose Buddhist leadership characteristics of the Buddhist based school administrator in Thailand with focus group discussion of 10 experts. Research results found that Buddhist leadership characteristics of the Buddhist based school administrator in Thailand consisted of 7 aspects: 1) physical characteristics, 2) personality characteristics, 3) personal characteristics, 4) social characteristics, 5) charismatic, 6) consideration of individual differences, 7) stimulation of intelligence by Buddhist leadership characteristics of the Buddhist based school administrator in Thailand. It can be developed with seven activities to promote the characteristics of Buddhist leadership among the administrators of the Buddhist way School in Thailand: 1) the development of good physical health and well-being, 2) personality development and the creation of aesthetics of the executives, 3) the strengthening of discipline, morality and ethics of the executives, 4) the development of attitudes and values by creating quality and democratic culture, 5) mental development of administrators, 6) academic leadership and promotion of teachers and educational personnel to enhance academic leadership, and 7) Information technology system, and communication to improve the quality of education.

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How to Cite
Padungchep, W., Ngamprakhon, S., & Thitavaddhano, P. (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUDDHIST LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS OF BUDDHIST BASED SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN THAILAND. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(1), 286–296. Retrieved from
Research Article


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