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The objective of this research article is to study conditions in teaching and learning science within the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme for secondary level in Thailand. This research article is survey research. The sample in this study are teachers, teaching assistants, and support teachers in science within the IB programme at secondary levels in Thailand. In total, 12 schools in operation during the 2019-2020 academic year were considered. A questionnaire was used as the research instrument to collect data on the conditions in teaching and learning science within the IB programme for secondary level in Thailand. The researcher collaborated with the coordinator of each school to collect the data. The data was analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results of this research found that most of the schools offer the DP (Diploma Programmes). The results of the survey indicate that respondents were most agreed and strongly agreed that the schools are appropriate in instruction, assessment, support structures and management. Teachers, teaching assistants, and support teachers have knowledge and understanding about science learning goals in the IB program as well as knowledge and ability to teach using a variety of instructional strategies to meet the IB goals. This is because the IB program has obvious goals, guidelines, requirements and approaches. Therefore, the instruction of science within the IB programme for secondary level in Thailand is aligned. Moreover, the schools' management policies had impact on the quality of curriculum and the efficiency of faculty.
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