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Phrasamu Chokdee Vajirapañño (Rachokan)
Siriwat Srikhruedong
Witchuda Titichoatrattana


The purposes of this thesis were 1) to study the characteristics of desirable happiness for the elderly in Thai society; 2) to develop a happiness model for the elderly based on Buddhist Psychology in modern society; and 3) to present the happiness model for the elderly based on Buddhist Psychology in modern society. The study was a qualitative research in nature, using an In-depth interview to collect data from 17 key informants as specialists in Buddhism, psychology and elderly people and a focus group discussion with 9 experts. A content analysis was used for analyzing data for developing the happiness model for the elderly based on Buddhist Psychology in modern society. Findings of the study were as follows; 1) The characteristics of desirable happiness for the elderly in modern Thai society included 7 aspects: (1) having a healthy body, (2) having a clear and cheerful mind; Z3) being able to adapt to the environment well, (4) living happily with family, Z5) having sufficient financial status and expenditures, (6) benefiting the surrounding people and society according to the existing potential, and (7) being able to utilize the basic electronic media in modern society. 2) The development of a happiness model for the elderly based on Buddhist Psychology in modern society implemented by creating the elderly development process to have the seven desirable characteristics through the integration of Buddhist psychology principles including (1) building an understanding of the Buddhist nature of the Trinity that occurs, exists and disappears in accordance with the cycle of rebirth; (2) the subjective awareness to create self-happiness by having positive psychology in thinking, speaking, doing, as well as (3) creating the character of the Four Sublime State of Mind and self-developing skills of true friendship, as a training program according to the elderly character development process. 3) The happiness model for the elderly based on Buddhist Psychology in modern society was the training process of the elderly through 3-step creative activities including Step 1: The creating of knowledge and understanding in the Trinity; Step 2: The creating of subjective awareness and development for self-creating happiness for oneself; Step 3: The building of the characteristics of the Four Sublime States of Mind and the Seven True Friends to achieve the goal in creating the desired happiness of the elderly in all 7 aspects.

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How to Cite
Vajirapañño (Rachokan), P. C., Srikhruedong, S., & Titichoatrattana, W. (2021). MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT HAPPINESS TO AGING WIHT BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY IN MODERN SOCIETY. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 41–53. Retrieved from
Research Article


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