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Phra Samutvachirasophon
Phramaha Kangwal Dhiradhammo
Phramaha Prakob Chotipoonyo
Phrakhupalad Somkit Warathammo
Phramaha Thaweesak Gunadhammo
Phrabaidika Sorachai Jinavaro
Sukpinya Srikomthai


The purposes of this research article were 1) to analyze the state of participation in preserve cultural heritage of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province, 2) to synthesize the guidelines of creating the heritage immunity and public interest of the floating market communities in Ratchaburi province, 3) to create a volunteer network for conservation the cultural heritage of floating market community in Ratchaburi province through the participation process of social institutions. This research was an operational research with the important data obtained from in-depth interviews and specific group discussions from 23 people by a specific random method according to the characteristics of representation of an appropriate sample group. The data were analyzed by trying to maintain the original phrases in order to serve as a base for analysis and design the activity model that appropriate and consistent with current conditions, and put it to the field test with 30 volunteers. Analyzing the performance process by each indicator together with reference statistics to find the fact from the practice of the form of action research. The findings of this research were following: 1) The state of participation in preserve cultural heritage of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province found that based on planning aspect, it was found that cultural heritage of the community was used as a tool to generate income from tourism etc., 2) the guidelines for creating a volunteer network for conservation the cultural heritage of floating market community through the participation process of social institutions that appropriate and consistent with current conditions that was characterized by a network of "Pavara" , and 3) the network of volunteer conservation of culture way of the Damnoen Saduak floating-market community which had an action campaign for cultural heritage conservation and cultural heritage by emphasizing on the dissemination of 22 issues of laws that should be known for the people of the Damnoen Saduak floating-market community.

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PhrakhruWateewarawat, Phra Samutvachirasophon, Phrakhruwisutthanantakhun, Dhiradhammo, P. K., PhrakhruWatcharachonladham, Chotipoonyo, P. P., Warathammo, P. S., Gunadhammo, P. T., Jinavaro, P. S. ., & Srikomthai, S. (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRESERVE CULTURAL HERITAGE VOLUNTEER NETWORK OF THE FLOATING-MARKET COMMUNITY IN RATCHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 13–25. Retrieved from
Research Article


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