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PhrakhrupaladSuravut Sirivaḍḍhako (Ukitchock)


The purposes of this research article were 1) analyzing the cultural heritage management procession of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province, 2) designing of innovative development method to cultural heritage management of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province, and 3) creating the model innovation in cultural heritage management of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province. This research was an operational research with the important data obtained from in-depth interviews and specific group discussions from 23 people by a specific random method according to the characteristics of representation of an appropriate sample group. The data were analyzed by trying to maintain the original phrases in order to serve as a base for analysis and design the model for innovation in cultural heritage management of the floating-market community that consistent with community’s need then tested with 30 participants who were volunteers from floating market then analyzing the performance process by each indicator together with reference statistics to find the fact from the practice of the form of action research. The findings of this research were following: 1) The cultural heritage management procession of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province found that the strength was having Buddhism as a tool to raise awareness in conservation, etc. 2) The designing of innovative development method to cultural heritage management of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province found that the innovative development method to cultural heritage management of the floating-market community that compatible with community’s need was an innovation community cultural heritage learning resource management in Damnoen Saduak floating market, and 3) the model innovation in cultural heritage management of the floating-market community in Ratchaburi province was an innovation community cultural heritage learning resource management in Damnoen Saduak floating market as a model of exhibiting innovation of cultural heritage in Damnoen Saduak community at Watchotthayakaram Museum which was characterized as a unified QR Code system that linked to YouTube and a website that stored information like an electronic museum and revitalized the Watchotthayikaram Museum as a "Living Museum".

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How to Cite
Sirivaḍḍhako (Ukitchock), P. (2021). CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT OF THE FLOATING-MARKET COMMUNITY IN RATCHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(3), 1–12. Retrieved from
Research Article


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