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Phrakhrusangharak Songphan Jayadatto


The main purposes of this research are developing the constructive formation process of the cultural heritage immunity of the floating market community in Ratchaburi province. This research is the action research in which the data from the case studies of sub-projects is analyzed. Focus group is used as a tool to collect data was analyzed by the method of descriptive analysis in order to be utilized as the significant paradigm in designing the cultural heritage immunity development method of the floating market community in Ratchaburi province, and to test in the fieldwork level. The operation process was, thus, analyzed per indicator with inference statistics to search for the truth from the operation that accorded with the action research pattern. The findings of this research found that the constructive formation process development of the cultural heritage immunity of the floating market community in Ratchaburi province finds that it is Damnoen Saduak floating market community’s inputs development of the cultural heritage immunity formation process. The process elevates the cooperation in conserving cultural heritage to the official network that links between (1) Damnoen Saduak district (2) Damnoen Saduak subdistrict (3) the sangha of Damnoen Saduak district (4) Wat Shotitayakaram Songkror Kindergarten (5) Ratchaburi Buddhist College Alumni Association (6) Khon Rak Damnoen Saduak Floating Market Association and (7) Vithee Klong Vithee Thai Association, in which these organizations signs “Damnoen Saduak Floating Market’s Cultural Heritage Conservation Volunteer Network” Memorandum of Understanding. In this regard, the 7 associated networks cooperate in designing and producing the symbolic representative object (mascot), which portrays the cooperation in the constructive formation process of the cultural heritage immunity. In the meantime, the networks create a 3D artwork to convey the floating market community lifestyle at the Damnoen Saduak cultural prototype area which is located on the travel route of Damnoen Saduak floating market community. That is to say, the operation assessment per indicator include the context assessment result are all at a high level.

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How to Cite
Jayadatto, P. S. (2021). THE CULTURAL HERITAGE IMMUNITY PROCESS OF THE FLOATING-MARKET COMMUNITY IN RATCHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 16–28. Retrieved from
Research Article


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