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Wichayanee Rueangsawat
Sirirat Srisa-ard
Nataya Pilanthananond


This research article is the integration among Content knowledge, Pedagogy knowledge and Technology knowledge as a tool to promote learners' learning process and to develop the teaching process of teachers keeping up with the world. The purposes of the research were to develop and evaluate TPACK storage learning guidelines in biology for lower secondary level. Research methods were to define the concept of biology and develop TPACK learning guidelines, then create teaching scenarios. The experts considered the exactness and appropriateness of TPACK learning guideline developed. The samples of this research consisted of university science teachers, biology experts from The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology, and educational supervisors. The research tool was questionnaire about teaching scenario of biology assessment. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1) There are four main concepts in biology for lower secondary level; plant life, human life, ecosystem and diversity. Main concepts can be divided into 11 sub concepts. Each of sub concept has 4 learning guidelines. A total of TPACK learning guidelines is 44 learning guidelines 2) Most experts considered that TPACK learning guidelines are diversified, attractive attention for the learners. Technologies and knowledges chosen are clear and appropriate at high and the most high levels. TPACK learning guidelines are able to promote and enhance the learning efficiency.

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How to Cite
Rueangsawat, W., Srisa-ard, S., & Pilanthananond, N. (2022). TPACK FOR SCIENCE LEARNING : TPACK FOR BIOLOGY LEARNING. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 197–208. Retrieved from
Research Article


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