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The purposes of this thesis were 1) to study issues and guidance processes of higher education students, 2) to create process innovation in Buddhist Psychology guidance, and 3) to present and results of process innovation in Buddhist Psychology guidance to strengthen educational attitudes of higher education students in Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. Quasi-experimental research method was used in 3 parts of data collection: 1) the data collection to study issues and guidance processes of higher education students was used the method of interview in the number of 11 experts, 2) the data collection to create process innovation in Buddhist Psychology guidance used group discussion method in the total 9 persons, and 3) the data collection to present and results of process innovation had 25 experimental samples. This study used data analyses such as frequencies, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The findings of the study were as follows. 1) Issues and guidance processes of higher education students it found that students did not have knowledge in the field of study, chose the field of study depends on their parents and friends, the number of students decreased, there are not cost of living for studying there. 2) Instructors could not provide ordinary teachings and instruction. The studying and teaching processes and teaching management were not interesting. The number of the counselor was not enough. Guidance process is to help higher education students to have self-immunity in the way of life in views of studying, career, personal and society. Innovation process in Buddhist Psychology guidance to enhance educational attitudes in 3 aspects were to (1) cognitive component such as the importance and objectives of education, (2) affective component such as value, passion, interest and profit of education, and (3) behavioral component such as knowledge, ability, aptitude passion, interest, ambition and good habits in education, and 3) trial results of innovation process in Buddhist Psychology guidance to enhance educational attitudes of higher education students in Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University were revealed that before using the innovative guidance of Buddhist psychology at the overall is high level and after using the innovative guidance at the overall is the highest level.
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