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Taweesak Leekeawsai
Wanisa Punfa
Yingyong Taoprasert
Manthana Kham-ai
Teeranan Tananchai


The objective of this documentary research article was to determine the principle, operations, and maintenance of essential oil distillation machine. Related literature review from documents, textbooks and research related to Thai pharmaceuticals, modern technology for drug production, and relevant scientific knowledge was undertaken. The results showed that method for making oil drug according to the principles of Thai pharmaceuticals began with the preparation of ingredients to form oil or essential oil through the methods of cooking, fry, stew and distillation. Whereas the preparation of essential oil according to the principles of science was done by distillation. The principle was based on the differences between the properties of substances boiling points to evaporate and condense into a liquid mixture. Therefore, benchmarking the industrial productions of Thai medicine, the R and D for the essential oil forming production on was needed through the modern tools and technology that is an essential oil distillation machine. The principle of operation was to boil the water into steam with electric heaters allowing steam pass through the herbs. The essential oil was released with steam through a cooled condenser and condensed into a liquid mixture. Essential oil floated on the top of the water surface and only the essential oil was collected. The operation was to add water then put the herbs into the grate inside the machine with the closed lid and turned on the system by setting the temperature. Once the steam began to evaporate, turned on the chilled water pumping system into the condenser to start the distillation process. The maintenance of machine focused on cleaning before and after using to prevent contamination and beware of heat and pressure from the machine. To prevent contamination when entering production areas the practitioner had to wear workshop clothes and did not contact with drugs and products without wearing protective equipment.

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How to Cite
Leekeawsai, T., Punfa, W., Taoprasert, Y., Kham-ai, M., & Tananchai, T. (2021). A STUDY OF THE USE OF ESSENTIAL OIL DISTILLATION MACHINE FOR OIL-BASED PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION OF THAI TRADITIONAL MEDICINE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 365–374. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/246186
Research Article


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