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Kannika Nanta
Siwapong Tansuwanwong
Yingyong Taoprasert
Siripuk Chansangsa
Thitirat Chaichana


The objective of this study is to develop a treatment model for Lueadlompraeprunin the elderly by Manus therapeutic. It is a documentary research processing from documents, textbooks and research related to Lueadlompraeprun in Thai traditional medicine (TTM). These were used as develop treatment models of Lueadlompraeprun in the elderly. The results showed that Lueadlompraeprun was the symptoms occured in the elderly. This caused from blood and wind circulation disorder owing to aging. The vital encouraging factor was a climate change before raining, this lead to heavy sensation in the body, dizziness and sweating which can be treated with Thai Traditional Medicine by Manus therapeutic to activate blood and wind circulation through Kalatharee lines covered legs, arms, back, shoulders, neck, head and abdomen. The treatment model is two Thai traditional medical doctors applied Manus therapeutic with left and right diagonal directions, based on 3 steps of treatment, namely; 1) muscle preparation before treatment 2) specific treatment with related lines and points on the body and 3) muscle rehabilitation after treatment. In conclusion, treatment model for Lueadlompraeprun in the elderly by Manus therapeutic was able to use in learning and teaching TTM students in order to knowledge and skills for the elderly treatment.

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How to Cite
Nanta, K. . ., Tansuwanwong, S., Taoprasert, Y., Chansangsa, S., & Chaichana, T. (2021). THE STUDY OF TREATMENT MODEL FOR LUEADLOMPRAEPRUN IN THE ELDERLY BY MANUS THERAPEUTIC. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 343–350. Retrieved from
Research Article


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