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Suntron Korop
Pornthep Rupan


The purposes of this research article were of 1) establish and examine the guideline for the implementation of the participatory student care system at Ang Thong Vocational Education Institutions; 2) assess the suitability and feasibility of the student care system implementation guidelines. Participatory form of educational institutions under Ang Thong Vocational Education There is a research methodology in 2 steps, Step 1: Creating and verifying guidelines for the implementation of the student participation care system of educational institutions under vocational education Ang Thong Province, Step 2: Evaluate the suitability and feasibility of the guideline for the implementation of a participatory care system for students under Ang Thong Province, A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from a population of 170 school administrators and teachers. 1) Guidelines for the implementation of a participatory care system for students under Vocational Education in Ang Thong Province consisted of 5 areas with 89 work items as follows: Side 1, knowing students individually, 16 items, side 2, student screening Students 23 items, side 3 items, promote and develop students, students 29 items, side 4 items, prevent and solve student problems 12 items and side 5 items for referring students 9 items. 2) Guidelines for the implementation of a participatory care system for students either five aspects of Ang Thong Vocational Education Institutions is suitable at the highest level And there is a high level of practice feasibility.

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How to Cite
Korop, S., & Rupan, P. (2021). THE GUIDELINES FOR OPERATION THE STUDENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION UNDER THE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ANGTHONG PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(1), 143–153. retrieved from
Research Article


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